Want to start your own business or optimise your flower salon costs?

We can help you with a ready-made business idea solution, both to start your own business and to optimise the costs of your existing business.

A flower vending machine allows you to start your own business with a small start-up capital by purchasing a vending machine for a specific monthly payment, borrowing finance or owning it outright. In addition, it can be an expansion of an existing business or a cost optimisation.

Next generation flower vending machines for retailers

The Flower Vending Machine allows flower shops to open a new on-demand sales channel, providing consumers with fresh flowers and gifts 24/7. Ideal for airports, hospital gift shops, train stations and shopping malls. These new flower vending machines allow floral brands to expand into every local market without the high fixed costs of traditional outlets.

This is a modern way of selling perishable products and offers the next stage in self-service vending technology, providing a 24/7 platform for on-demand product sales. The solution provides consumers with a seamless experience when purchasing flowers using the latest sales automation technology and enables retailers to drastically reduce labour and fixed costs.

Customisable design


Remote tracking and management

Modern payments


What is important to know before starting your own flower selling business?

Selling flowers through a flower vending machine can be an innovative way to provide customers with a convenient way to buy fresh flowers at any time of the day. Bear in mind that most retail florists are open during normal business hours and flower buyers have a limited choice, usually in the neighbourhood supermarket, grocery store.

Market research and location

Analyse the local market and understand the demand for fresh flowers. Ideal locations for a flower vending machine could be hospitals, airports, shopping centres, theatres and train stations or even corporate offices.

Secure your offer

Work with flower nurseries or wholesalers who can provide fresh flowers on a regular basis. You want to ensure that you always have a fresh and varied supply of flowers to meet your customers' needs.

Design and prices

Flowers must be neatly arranged and packaged so that consumers can take them home. Pricing must be competitive, taking into account factors such as the cost of the flowers, packaging, transport, machine maintenance and the desired profit margin. Don't forget to look at all your closest competitors.

Setting up a flower machine

Each type of flower or bouquet must be placed on a specific shelf in the machine. The machine must be set to display the correct price and open the correct door when the customer makes a selection.

Maintenance and renewal of stocks

The flower vending machine will need to be refilled regularly to ensure that the flowers are always fresh, with the help of remote monitoring. The machine itself will need to be cleaned and maintained, with any technical problems addressed immediately.

Marketing and promotion

Use signage, social media and other marketing methods to inform potential customers about your flower vending machine. You can consider offering special promotions or discounts to attract new customers in the first few weeks.

Payments and security

Vending machines allow the use of different payment methods such as credit/debit cards or digital payment apps such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, which allow both parties to pay securely for the service provided.

Customer service

While a flower vending machine usually reduces the need for human intervention, make sure customers have a way to contact you if they have problems or questions. This could be a phone number or email address displayed on the device.

Remember that it is important to regularly assess your performance and sales data to understand which flowers are selling well and at what times, so that you can adjust your stock and strategy accordingly.

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